Where is My Red Olivetti Valentine Typewriter
September 16, 2013 in Just Saying by MG
I learned to type with a Red Olivetti Valentine typewriter. I admit, my typing lessons were pre-personal computer era. Boy, I loved my typewriter. I so remember my typing lessons and my beautiful typewriter. We all had to bring our own typewriters to our bi-weekly lessons at our school’s library. When everyone came in with their bland and ugly grey/black/neutral typewriters, I proudly walked in with my rectangular red box. I still remember the feeling I had every time I pulled my typewriter out of its deep box and how proud I was of its beauty. It was just pure perfection.
Well, my red typewriter along many of my 33 and 45 records just disappeared from my life. I guess I was too busy being a teenager to notice how things would just vanish from my room when my mother thought I had no use for them. I asked her again and again who she gave my typewriter to. My poor mother; she still does not remember.
Occasionally I do look through eBay, hoping I would recognize my Olivetti. I wrote my initials in black on several places throughout the outside of the case and on the typewriter itself. I know it is silly. Any smart collector could easily remove anything from plastic. But I still look. A girl can only dream in finding her own Red Olivetti Valentine typewriter. I just looked again today, and none appeared to have been mine. One day, I know I am just going to give in and just buy any. I guess I will have to consistently start looking through eBay for a good deal.
So, you see what I am talking about, here are today’s eBay listings of the Red Olivetti Valentine typewriters. It is too late to publish this post tonight, so you will read this post at 10:14 am tomorrow.